Welcome to my Blog

From here I will be telling and showing everyone what I'm up to whilst travelling through India and volunteering my time with children and local communities in Nepal. Flying out to Delhi on the 17th October and returning from Kolkata on the 6th April 2008.

So come anytime, to see how I'm getting on and read some great stories, view wonderful pictures and maybe some video too... :0)

Monday 18 February 2008

All Dressed Up

In our last week in Bandipur, Rajani, the mother of our home stay asked for us to dress up. The sad thing was that the men’s outfit is pretty dull, and to make things worse (or not :), they didn’t have any trousers that were big enough for me, so I just wore my jeans.

However, I’m glad I wasn’t the focus because when I saw Angela and Rajani in their saris, I was happy to be a focus of attention, they both looked stunning. I was so used to seeing either Rajani, dressed in her (without sounding offensive, not very attractive) everyday household clothes, and Angela’s (please don’t take offence :) standard trekking style gear, to having incredibly feminine women around me. A shock, but a pleasure!

And the pictures above are the fruits of my words!!!!

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